I have been contemplating starting this blog for a long time now, my illustrated cookbook is coming together slowly and I am also working on a new food zine project. I thought it could be a good way for you (and me!) to keep track of all the little bits and pieces I am involved with.
A great friend of mine, and super talented chef Sacha Fisher has decided to create a food zine entitled ‘Vegies for Breakfast‘. It focuses on healthy eating + wholefoods, and seen as though we have similar interests she has asked me to be a regular contributor! YES!!!! My contribution will be a healthy baking recipe plus a pretty little illustrated poster which will be available with each edition. If any of you lovely people are interested in purchasing a copy for yourself, the link will be available from this site soon, plus a list of stockists. First issue out soon! You can find Sacha’s blog here http://abigbackyard.blogspot.com.au
The photo above is a sneak peek of my first recipe in Vegies for Breakfast – Pear Almond and Cardamom Cake! Watch this space for more deliciousness..
Congrats Jade, blogging is heaps of fun, interesting and a great way to share your interest. Looking forward to following along
Thank you Aunty Robyn!
Thank you Aunty Robyn!